We know this isn’t my first rodeo. After having done this before, I know not to overpack my hospital bag. People recommend tons of things, but I personally think that these are hospital bag essentials!
I’m packing my Away Bigger Carry On, my favorite luggage, as my hospital bag again! It worked out so well last time so why change?
Hospital Bag Essentials For Baby #2:
Hospital Bag Essentials I’m Packing Again:
1. Robe + Matching Swaddle for New Baby. I had a similar robe and swaddle when I had Sidney for our first family photos, and I really loved having it at the hospital. I ordered a new one that has a different print for new baby, and a matching robe for Sidney! The robe has wide sleeves, which makes it really easy for the nurses to check my vitals.
2.My Own Nightgown. I remember the hospital gowns being uncomfortable and backless, so I decided to bring my own again for when I feel up to changing. I’m packing two of these! The button-down style is ideal for breastfeeding.
3.Nursing Pillow. The last time I gave birth a good friend recommended that I bring my nursing pillow. I remember when my nurses saw it in the room they were really happy that I brought it, too, and they said they wish other moms brought their nursing pillows! Your back will probably hurt from labor, and your healing body can use all the help it can get. Toss it in the car and you’ll thank me later.
4.Basic Toiletries. I packed my own toiletries for obvious reasons. Being in the hospital makes you kind of lose track of time where you don’t know what time it is or what day it is. But getting up in the morning to brush your teeth and wash your face does wonders for your well being.
5.Makeup Bag. I’m going to bring some basic makeup again. A tinted moisturizer, mascara, bronzer/blush palette, brow gel, and tinted lip balm. Just enough to feel put together if we take family photos.
6.Outfit To Go Home In. Just like last time, I chose maternity leggings and a comfortable top that is good for nursing. Keep in mind, when you leave the hospital you still look about 6 months pregnant and you’re wearing a huge pad in your underpants. If you give birth in the summer then a sundress would be perfect.
7.Outfit For Baby To Go Home In. I packed too many outfits for Sidney last time because I didn’t know how big or small she would be. This time I’m packing two cute outfits for the baby, one newborn size and one 0-3 size. I’m also packing some no-scratch mittens! Sidney scratched up her face and it looked like she was in a bar fight. Trying to avoid that this time.
8.Nursing Bras. A little support helps, especially when you are feeling tender from your milk coming in.
9.Long Phone Charger. The hospital beds tend to be in the middle of the room, so it comes in handy. You’ll be up taking a million photos of the baby (when you’re supposed to be resting, oops) and you’ll want to call and face time everyone.
10.Nipple Cream. I like the Earth Mama brand because it didn’t ruin my clothes last time, and I didn’t have to wipe it off before feedings. I’m trying out the Honest brand this time, too, to see how I like it. See my other breastfeeding essentials in this post!
11. Snacks & Water Bottle. For when you have the munchies, which may be often. The hospital tends to be dry so you’ll be parched. Bars are easy.
12. Heating Pad. My back hurt so badly from labor and I wish I had something to give me relief. I’m packing my heating pad this time for sure. This one is cool because it wraps around your neck and shoulders.
13.Pacifier Options. I’m bringing the Wubbanub and Nuk pacifiers to see which one she likes.
Hospital Bag Items I’m Leaving At Home This Time:
Below that are the things people say you need, but I didn’t find them useful. I packed a few of these things last time and just didn’t use them.
1.Cotton Granny Panties. I personally really liked the mesh hospital undies. They are stretchy and fit everything you need for recovery. I’m not sure why people hate on them so much.
2.Slippers + Shower Shoes. I thought the hospital floor was really clean. I just wore the hospital socks and they worked just fine.
3. Nursing Pads. My milk didn’t come in super strong last time, so I didn’t use them. I’m leaving them at home again.
4.Belly Band. My belly was really sore from being in labor and my uterus contracting back to normal. I could see my uterus trembling to get back down to size when I was in the shower. I know a lot of women are anxious to shrink their waist back down, but I personally couldn’t imagine wearing anything tight around my midsection right away.
5.Swaddles. The hospital has swaddle blankets so you don’t really need these until you get home.
6.Towels. People complain that the hospital towels are small and scratchy. I didn’t think they were terrible. Plus it sucks to create more laundry for yourself.
7.A Pillow. I didn’t do much sleeping in the hospital. The pillows were fine. Just make Sure your partner packs a pillow if they plan to sleep at the hospital with you.
8.Pads. I liked the hospital pads and ice packs, so I didn’t really need these. Take as many of these that you can from the hospital!
That’s all the wisdom I have! Do you agree? Let me know in the comments!
Shop my Hospital Bag Essentials:
On Mondays We Link Up
This is a really sweet post for a fantastic period of your life! Wish you all the best!
Love and Wellness
So excited for you at this very special time!
Wishing you an easy and healthy recovery.
Roxanne, yours is a carefully and thoroughly thought out plan. I especially like the suggestion of an extra-long charging cord (a good idea whenever you travel, too) and a heating pad. You’re ready to go, in more ways than one.
Roxanne I hope everything goes smoothly for you, how exciting! Thank you so much for hosting x
Oh Roxanne, I am so excited for you! Wishing you a healthy and speedy delivery!
Second time around we all know that it’s the little things that provide comfort. And it’s so helpful to share those little tips with first timers! Well done and good luck
I am sure that women who are going to become mothers would totally appreciate your post, Roxanne. It is an exiting period of your life, enjoy it 🙂