Because we were hit with the blizzard of 2016, we were stuck inside all weekend. It is nice to spend a weekend lumping around in your pj’s. We watched plenty of Netflix, a bunch of movies, and I finished All the Light We Cannot See. It was fantastic.
But if you are like me, you did some online shopping (who didn’t!?) I love to hunt for dupes and deals when I have some free time. This weekend, I found some AMAZING bargains and I absolutely had to share. I may or may not have gotten a few of these things for myself, but at these prices, you simply cannot blame me.
Since I just finished my book, I think I will start reading The Good Girl next. I have it on my kindle from the library, but I almost ordered the hard copy because sometimes it is nice to just hold the book in your hand.
When I saw Julia wearing this stunning Self-Portrait dress I had to have it. But I don’t have that kind of money to spend on a dress, so I set out to find a good self-portrait dupe. I found this one on for a fraction of the price! It looks pretty darn similar.
I’m in the market for a good serum, but I don’t want to spend upwards of $100 on one. I heard that this Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Serum is really good and it is a reasonable price for a serum.
I really want a pair of fringe earrings. They are fun and whimsical! But am I the only one who has trouble spending a lot on accessories? Any more than $25 is too much for me. ASOS has some amazing fringe earrings at my price point. I found these for under $11 and these are so pretty and on sale for $17.50. Ooo and this tassel necklace!
These sunglasses from Amazon look JUST LIKE the Dior “Dior so Real” ones that are so hot right now. Except they are under $15. Win.
This rainbow striped clutch needs to be mine. It kind of reminds me of the shmancy Elena Ghisellini or the Mira Mikati.
Mary-Katherine over at Gold-Hatted Lover turned me on to these leopard trousers FOR JUST $10!! (Thank you! Her blog is great you should check it out.) You KNOW I ordered them because I love me some cropped pants and a good deal. The JCrew Minnie and JCrew Factory Winnie are two of my classic favorites.
I’ve been wanting a pair of fun suede boots, and when I saw these for $20 I jumped on it. They also come in black (there are not many sizes left so if you want these then go quickly!)
So there you have it! Please leave your bargain finds and in the comments! Share the wealth!
Great picks!! Love that dress and glasses!!
Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Thanks and thank you for reading!
Those sunglasses are fabulous!
Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls
Ahh I love them! They are in my cart but I haven’t bought them yet!