Lately my life has been all boxes and phone calls. We decided to hire a moving company to pack up and drive all our things to Chicago, even though it costs more. To save some money we are packing ourselves, which is a huge task even for an 800 square foot 2 bedroom apartment. You can imagine my nails are a hot mess.
Moving to Chicago gives me bittersweet feelings. When Dan and I were leaving Cleveland in 2015, Chicago was our first choice. We landed in Washington, D.C. because we found the best opportunity. Two years in a city is the sweet spot, when you finally start to feel like a city is your home. You learn the streets, paces to go, yearly events, and you feel like a true local. In the past 2 years I have grown to really love this city and have made incredible friends that I know I will have for the rest of my life. I realize that is a rarity.
On the flip side, there is a part of me that is excited to leave a lot of garbage behind and start fresh. When I say garbage, I mean the struggle it has been to find a good job that I truly enjoy. I mean letting go of people who I really don’t care to run into anymore. And literally garbage – I am getting rid of bags upon bags of clothing and household items that I haven’t touched in years. So while I’m sad to leave the good things, moving gives me a sort of relief to deposit the baggage and receive the opportunity for a clean slate.
I don’t want to complain. My life now is awesome and full! I get to do so many cool things here, and it feels awesome to be wanted. My friends here are real and invested and want to get brunch, grab drinks, try new places, text me when they see cute cats or puppies.
But I am afraid of having my network shrink. I fear that when I move my only local friends will be Dan and my family. (Dan’s brothers and their wives live there). Oh and Jake and Elwood, they are cats but they are my friends too, haha.
For awhile, I won’t have a go-to girlfriend for when I want to see a store opening or go to a restaurant. Goodbye to all my favorite hair stylists, nail girls, and doctors. I won’t know where I am, so I’ll be playing tourist walking around with google maps open on my phone. I will have to look at the metro map every time, rather than knowing the direction of home immediately.
Life was like that in DC for awhile. It took awhile to find my tribe and learn the ropes of a new city, and I have to remember that. But maybe slowing down and being able to reflect in my own head will be good for me. I’m excited for this new adventure because change is good and risks should be taken. But also pretty sad to leave.
Thanks for letting me vent. Life changes are hard, but I think this is a good one.
Currently Sipping: Rosa Obscura via WINC
How exciting for you guys. I can’t honestly imagine having to move away from my current life, at least not anymore. It sounds like you were able to build a great community of peeps in D.C. in a short time so know that the safe will likely happen in Chicago and to top it off you have some insta-friends with having family there. I am looking forward to reading all about it and watching the journey/adventure unfold on your blog. Good luck.
Moving is definitely scary and exciting at the same time. So brave of you to finally do it. I wish you both good luck in your new adventure. Btw, lovely bag dear.
Jessica |
I totally understand – it’s scary and exciting at the same time, but it’s great that you already have family there and I’m sure you’ll find your new tribe in no time!
On another note, I love this outfit- the sleeve details are gorgeous!
Julia x
Cute outfit and have fun in all new adventures!
I’ve lived in the same little town my entire life, so if I ever picked up and moved I would be a ball of emotions. Moving is no joke in general, but adding in the mixed emotions of leaving behind a place you love and getting to know a new place, that’s a whole other animal. I know you’ll find your way and new friends in Chicago and you’ll have to tell us all about it!
pumps and push-ups
When we moved to DC from Michigan, Chicago was my first choice too. We’ve been in DC for a year and will probably stay another year before we move on. That was always the plan, but now the idea of leaving makes me sad too. Like you said, I’ve grown to love this city and I’ve found some great friends. The idea of starting all over again is overwhelming. But… you’ll be fine 🙂 You’ll find knew people and Chicago is amazing. Good luck!
I have never done this! I have lived in STL all of my life. I would love to live in a new city someday, but I have so many ties here. I find it exciting, but yes a little scary to have to find new friends and even a new hair stylist, DR’s, etc. I am sure you’ll adjust well and Chicago is such an amazing city, so much to do and see! I wish you the best!! This embroidered top is so pretty paired with the white pants!
I don’t know how you’re doing it Roxanne!!! But let’s just say you’re amazing.
Just in knowing you these last couple of months, I know you’ll find a fabulous new tribe in Chicago!! I bet a lot of your blog readers live there!! And next time we visit—we will have to meet up!!!
Can’t wait to see how it all goes!! And call me if you need an ear!! I’m here for you!
I totally understand… New adventures are scary, but also exciting! There is always something lost and something gained. 🙂 I’m sure you’ll meet amazing new people, and will also put in the effort to maintain great relationships with the friends you’ve made in DC. But you’re right, it probably takes some patience. Can’t wait to hear all about your journeys in Chicago!
That is really exciting!! Fun times ahead! To be honest, the thought of Chicago in the winter is almost too much for this southern girl, but I understand what you mean about being in a new place. It is excellent that you have some family there already. Best wishes getting adjusted and meeting new people soon!!
You will be missed, Roxanne! I can’t wait to follow your adventures in your new home city. As someone who just moved with her husband a year ago with no friends or coworkers (#remoteworklife), I found that these things helped:
– has been my go-to for finding and scheduling doctor’s appointments! Gosh, I wish I discovered this sooner. I’ve actually had a surprising amount of health issues since we moved and this has been so helpful. You can read + write reviews for all of your doctors and double check that they take your insurance.
– Free “new member” classes at local studios and my gym’s group ex classes were a social-saver! My gym crew helped me feel more social, even if I just saw them for a workout, during the first 6 months we moved here.
– Join local FB groups for whatever you’re passionate about (fitness, food, fashion, local book clubs, etc.) and GO to the events. I’m certain Chicago has so many groups — or you can always start your own (e.g. Fashionable Chi-town Lawyers – hehe).
I hope this helps and sincerely wish you the best of luck in Chicago!! 😀