After about 23 weeks of being pregnant, I’m quickly realizing that pregnancy isn’t exactly how I expected it to be. But since I’m past the first trimester (actually closer to the third – crazy!) I have a good grasp on what early pregnancy is like and the general feelings surrounding it. I know that most of you are likely not pregnant, but perhaps you have been, have someone close to you that is pregnant, or some day plan to be pregnant yourself! So I thought that this post on things about pregnancy that I’ve learned would be helpful for all those reasons.
As women, it is important to be able to understand and support each other through our unique female life experiences. And I feel like it is my job to give you as much knowledge as possible to support yourself, your friends, and your loved ones through pregnancy. I was personally pretty clueless, because people just don’t talk about the real stuff. But I don’t want you to be clueless! So here we go with some realness.
5 Things About Pregnancy I’ve Learned So Far
1.”Morning Sickness” is Generally A Myth.
In the movies, the pregnant lady throws up first thing in the morning then goes on with her day as usual. This “being sick in the morning” lie that Hollywood taught us is so far from the truth. Personally, I felt nauseous all day for the entire first trimester, but never threw up. I have friends who threw up in the afternoon, some friends who threw up all day, and some who felt completely fine with no nausea. Everyone has a different experience, but mine was far from the Hollywood expectation. I got through the days by eating something small every 2 hours, and sipping on ginger ale.
2. Expect Exhaustion.
The first trimester (first 12-ish weeks) is especially exhausting. I was never a nap person, and then suddenly I was crashing at 5pm after work. Being so tired kind of messed with my social calendar, as I didn’t really feel like going out and doing anything. I remember on New Year’s Eve this year, it was downright painful to stay up until midnight! Despite my anti-socialness, I’m happy that I had that time to relax, enjoy all the new changes, and savor some time with Dan.
3.It’s Not That Easy To Be Active.
I remember seeing pregnant Charlotte on Sex and The City going for jogs all the way until she gave birth. While working out is probably different for everyone, I’ve personally had a hard time keeping up with my old routine. Being pregnant dilates your blood vessels, which makes you breathless much sooner. Additionally, your joints become more pliable, and your center of gravity is all wonky. I used to be able to run 10 miles on a random Tuesday, squat my body weight, and do all sorts of crazy complicated moves. With my changing body, I can’t safely run because of the bouncing and breathlessness. My workouts consist of low impact cardio (mostly vigorous walks) and simple weighted exercises. It kind of bums me out because I’m typically an intense workout lover, but I know I’ll be able to get back to it once baby glam arrives.
That being said, I still went skiing at 13 weeks, I’m able to touch my toes, and I can walk 5 miles at a fast pace. It is just the jumping and heavy lifting that bothers me. Listen to your body, and try not to be too bummed about what you can’t do.
4.Body Confidence Will Have Serious Ups And Downs.
Some days I’ll be in awe of what my body is doing, and other days I am frustrated that none of my clothing fits. Who am I kidding, I have these thoughts back and forth within minutes of each other! I know it might seem like I have it all together on my Instagram and my blog, but I assure you that I try really hard and that’s not always the case. I didn’t expect such wild and fast body changes. Like gaining 10 lb in a month (seriously) or 2 bra cup sizes in what felt like a week. I see some pregnant women on Instagram who look like themselves but like they have a watermelon under their shirt. But-nope-that is not me, and most likely won’t be for 90% of our pregnant experiences.
It makes sense, because I’m a vessel for our precious baby! Like a human pillow. But despite the logic, I didn’t expect it! It is hard to walk by my favorite stores and know nothing fits, and looking into my own closet takes a toll on my confidence. I honestly struggle with it every day. I always wanted to be the cutest pregnant woman ever, but most days I’m just dying to be in my leggings, sports bra, and an oversized tee. My solution is to find cute maternity clothes and focus on accessories (like shoes and bags!). So far I’m loving Ingrid & Isabel, Asos, Destination Maternity, Old Navy, Amazon, and Pink Blush. Weight comes and goes, so I’m trying to focus on the little one that I get to bring into the world.
5.Your Routine Will Inevitably Change.
From the dietary restrictions, to the medications you are allowed to take, things will certainly be different. A few things I had to give up (minus the obvious: wine) are multiple cups of coffee a day, pain killers, allergy and cold medicine, as well as some of my beloved skincare saviors (retinol and salicylic acid…so sad.) I had a terrible cold when we were in Bozeman Montana this year, and I could only take a few natural remedies. My body now needs 9 hours of sleep, when I used to be able to comfortably coast on 6-7. I probably pee every hour, in part because I’m drinking so much water, but also because of the hormonal changes. My advice is to embrace the new, avoid being too rigid with your routine, and have fun trying new things.
I can’t wait to share more motherhood things with you, and let you in on what I’m learning as the process continues. Pregnancy is certainly an adventure leading to another even bigger adventure, and I’m trying to savor every moment.
On Mondays We Link Up
OMG, morning sickness is totally a lie – probably for most moms-to-be. I feel like nausea is an ongoing thing, especially the first few months. If it was a morning thing, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. 🙂
Xx, Nailil
you look amazing!!! Morning sickness never stopped for me and went through my whole pregnancy!
You look beautiful and this is such a great post Roxanne because yes pregnancy is not at all peaches. I think the main issue that I have until after childbirth is the body image. I still have baby weight on regardless of how religious I am with eating.
Maureen |
You look beautiful but I totally get all that you are saying. I love the honesty you have chosen to share here as I hope others that look up to you can see that it’s not always picture perfect, afterall you are human, beautiful, but human. As someone who has had two babies, one thing that I found didsapointing (unexcted) was that the last 5 pounds didn’t actually come off until after I stopped breastfeeding, both times. Another is that breastfeeding wasn’t as natural as I thought. You probably know all this but I was the first to have babies at 25 and 27. I love seeing your posts and this journey. Thanks for sharing.
Love this dress. Super cute.
I feel like I was pregnant like a million years ago (I mean, our little guy is only 9, but still) but I completely agree with what you said. Every single person, and every single pregnancy is completely different! My two were totally different start to finish.
I always say when it comes to pregnancy, parenting, and just life in general: I am doing the best I can with the best information I have at the time.
Do what feels right for you, and take good care of yourself!
xo Tea
I was glued to this post!! I know we talk ALL of the time but I still felt like there was some surprise information in here. So happy to be going through this with you and CAN’T WAIT to meet #babyofglam! <3 Love you, you beautiful lady! xo
It really is a change, isn’t it? I remember being incredibly tired the first trimester. And, the bra-changing-size thing, don’t even get me started-ha!
You look stunning in this outfit! I love this dress!
Yes!! This is 100% accurate! My first trimester I was nauseous all day but never threw up and I have friends that threw up all day everyday until the day their babies were born. As far as body image, I get that girl! I remember my friends trying to be encouraging and saying ‘you are growing a baby’, and that is great but it is hard to wrap your brain around having zero control of what is happening to your body. Even with all the weird things that happen throughout your 40 weeks of pregnancy, I loved it. It truly is a miracle. Great post and you look beautiful!!
xx, Elise
Oh I remember those things well. My babies are about to be 10 and I can hardly believe it. Pregnancy took its’ toll on me for sure but of course it’s so worth it!! You look beautiful!! Have a great week!
This is so helpful for women who have not gone through pregnancy yet. I remember being nauseous the entire first trimester but never threw up. My body confidence tanked too. At the time I didn’t want to invest in buying pregnancy clothes and mostly borrowed them from friends. They were so outdated and I looked like I was wearing a tent. You have the best pregnancy style! I love your dress and those teal sandals are fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
And each pregnancy is different! After 4 boys, you realize that you kind of forget everything too! You look lovely as always!
Such a great post, Roxanne! I remember when I was pregnant having all sorts of body confidence issues and not wanting to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes. I finally caved and realized the importance for my mental health to feel good about my body and just spent the money on the cute clothes! It really did make a world of difference when I created a stylish maternity wardrobe. I got pregnant with my second when my first was just 15 months old so I was able to wear the same maternity clothes. Then I passed the whole wardrobe on to my best friend who wore the same size and she wore the clothes through 2 pregnancies as well. So the money was worth it in the end. That being said, you look amazing, my friend! I love this dress and those sandals and you are absolutely glowing!
Great insights for those who haven’t gone through it yet. I’m glad to hear someone else say it was very difficult to stay active. I had the same experience. There were cute little pregnancy gym clothes for me. I was sick the entire pregnancy and exhausted and totally not able to keep working out.
You are so right – the morning sickness thing is such a myth! I was sick all day long for the first 16 weeks and felt miserable! It’s not easy being pregnant.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience, Roxanne! I also believe that women have to support each other. I learnt a few things from your post, movies have done so much “harm” lol. Apparently, the water breaking we see in movies isn’t real either.