You all know I will do almost anything to take care of my skin. I’m a skincare fanatic, and have tried so many different topical creams and facials, that I consider myself an expert. When Austin-Weston Center For Cosmetic Surgery invited me to learn more about their popular cosmetic procedures, I was all ears and eager to learn from their doctors and medical staff.
Austin-Weston is located in Reston, Virginia. It is about a 10-15 minute walk from the metro, if you are a car-less city dweller like me. Or you can Uber (but beware there are tolls!) They have 4 plastic surgeons and a team of friendly and knowledgeable staff.
But before I tell you more, let me fill you in on why facial treatments are so interesting to me. Since having acne as a teenager, then a flare up in adulthood, I’ve been trying my hardest to smooth out the scars that were left on my cheeks. You can read about my microneedling treatment here. I’ve probably tried every single medication (topical and oral) that went on the market since about 2001, besides the controversial Accutane. I finally have it under control, but because of my experience, the dermatological process has always fascinated me.
Dr. Knotts explained fillers and botox, detailing the way each works and which types of symptoms warrant each injectible. For example, wrinkles by your eyes that appear when you smile, or the “eleven” lines in your forehead when you sqint – those are treated with botox. The botox freezes your muscles so that when you try to use them, they no longer move – and voila! No more winkles.
On the other hand, some wrinkles are “resting lines” that appear even when you are sleeping. Most likely around your mouth or under your eyes. These resting wrinkles are best treated with fillers. I didn’t know that!
After our presentation, we learned about a great service in DC called StyleMeBar. They actually come to your HOUSE and do your hair and makeup! They graciously gave me a credit to try it out, so stay tuned for a full review! I think I’ll have them glam me up for a photo shoot soon. StyleMeBar gave us some cheat sheets on how to cover up bruises that you may get from Botox or fillers. That will definitely come in handy, since I have bruises from Crossfit, haha!
Dr. Knotts enlisted some brave souls to try either Botox or fillers, and I was pretty excited (but SO NERVOUS) to oblige! I chose to get a little teensy bit by my eyes, because Dr. Knotts said it would feel the “least weird” compared to the eleven lines or the forehead.
It felt like a little pinch, but nothing horrible. I held some ice on it for about 10 minutes then felt nothing and continued to happily drink the champagne StyleMeBar provided while touring the surgery center. I got to see their Sculptsure fat melting machine, 3D breast imaging machine, and touched a real boob implant. (Did you know a breast augmentation costs $6,900 and takes 1 hour? So fast! I thought it was like 20k and took 5 hours. This is random but if you’re interested in one and tell them I sent you, you can get it for $5,500.) Technology really is fascinating!
It has been about a week now since my Botox treatment, and I must admit I love how it looks. It took about two days for the Botox to kick in, and I had tiny little bruises by my eyes that went away quickly. But I have hardly any eye wrinkles now! (See the photo below!) Granted, I’m only 29 and take really good care of my skin, so I didn’t have many to begin with. It doesn’t feel frozen or strange at all, and I still have facial movement.
The Botox wears off after 6-8 weeks. I’m going to enjoy it for now, but at this point in my life, I don’t know if I’ll be back for more. The doctors at Austin-Weston certainly know what they are doing, and they use the real deal Botox, no the watered down kind. This kind of service will cost you about $400 per area.
I know that cosmetic surgery can be a controversial subject, but I say to each their own. If it makes you feel beautiful, it is safe and condoned by your doctor, and you have the funds, then go for it. Perhaps you’ve had 3 kids and want a breast lift so you feel comfortable being naked in front of your husband, then do it. If you’ve spent the last year of your life losing 120 lb and you want that last bit of tummy fat melted off, gosh darnit go zap it. The cosmetic industry has something for everyone these days.
In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying the results of my treatment and inviting StyleMeBar to my home so they can sculpt me some cheekbones out of bronzer. Maybe they will bring me some of the same rosé they had at the Austin-Weston presentation. 🙂
Currently Sipping: H2O
Thanks for sharing this Botox Treatment with us! I would love to try this because it is non surgical procedure.
Thanks for all the real-deal posting about costs and procedures with botox and fillers! It’s great to know more about what it really is, because I also find it a bit fascinating. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to the point that I would spend that kind of money on plastic surgery instead of shoes and clothes (because I have a problem haha). I can’t wait to see your review of the StyleMe bar!
Oh the style me bar sounds like a great gift, how fun that would be to have someone come over and do your hair and makeup! 🙂 The only time I’ve ever had that was for my wedding, haha!
You’re brave doing the botox too, I’d be too scared.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
This would be so interesting to me! I would love to get breast implants, I am so flat! Haha! But, I am too chicken. I would def. try Botox eventually.
I think if it makes you feel good and you love it do it! You look amazing . I have such a phobia of needles. you go girl!
I’m totally with you girl, to each their own! If it makes you happy, then why not!?
My mom has had Botox and she said it was the best thing ever…I’m 27 and totally want it now! LOL!
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
I want Botox so bad but it’s just not in my budget right now ! I actually could think of a few things to have done!! Lol!