Well HELLO lovely people! I haven’t posted since…last Thursday. Yikes. Then with the holiday last weekend, Sarah and I decided to take a week off from the linkup. But I’ve been busy! Since recovering from my respiratory virus (yuck) I went to NYC, enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July, and worked my butt off at my job. Between all that, sadly, there was hardly any time for blogging.
BUT I’m back with this amazing yet simple striped top and distressed jeans. And alas, I’m lamenting that I don’t have abs like these anymore.
Photography by Dave Mentzer
Can we just say a quick RIP to my abs? They were amazing in these pics that I took awhile ago. I was going to the gym 4-5 times a week, and lots of cardio, and eating SO WELL. But getting sick meant that I skipped the gym, ate what I wanted, and to make a long story short I put on some pounds. I’m not thrilled about it, but I will get back to my usual self in a couple of weeks.
I left a message on my gym’s Facebook page asking the coaches for some guidance on how to get back into it after you’re been gone for awhile. I said that I felt like I had lost so much strength in the past couple of weeks, and that I am feeling kind of scared, weak, and disappointed, even though I know it happens to the best of us. One of my coaches replied with some wisdom, and I’m just gonna quote him here because I found it so motivating and true (I will highlight my fave parts). He said:
I used to experience this all the time when I was in the Navy and getting started with CrossFit- I would feel like I was *finally* getting #gainz, then I’d go to sea for a month and feel like I lost everything. What I’ve found in my experience is that the first week (sometimes two) is always the hardest – and since it’s such a mental defeat coming in and not being where you were when you stopped, I simply set “showing up” as my goal for the class. I find that when I allow myself to “show up and not try” I lower my expectations for the class and feel pretty good with my relative under-performance. After a week or two, change your mindset back to: “Show up and kick ass” and you’ll surpass where you were in no time!
Isn’t that awesome? The day I saw his reply I got my butt back into the gym and committed to just showing up. Once I was there, I felt amazing and hit a push jerk personal record. Crazy.
I’m skipping favorites for the link-up this week, I hope you don’t mind. But I am always inspired by the outfits and posts you link-up. While I currently don’t have the time I would like to comment on all your posts (maybe in the future I will) I do click on the links and visit your posts! So thank you for your commitment to our community!
[inlinkz_linkup id=726252 mode=1]
We are just so hard on ourselves, just working a blog post about body image as we speak, and so very unforgiving, aren’t we. Good on you for getting back to it and just as an FYI, I think you always look amazing.
Aw thanks, Bo. You’re so sweet. I am looking forward to reading your post, too.
Gimme those abs!!! You look amazing girl and I’m so glad you’re feeling better. You’ll be back in shape in no time – thanks for the motivation :).
Trendy & Tidy
Thanks, Sarah for your sweet comment!
You are a total babe! Love this summery look on you too!
Thanks Shauna!
You look amazing Roxanne! It’s annoying when illness throws the fitness regime off track but it’s just a blip, and although those first couple of workouts can be a bit disheartening it doesn’t take long to get back on it.
Emma xxx
Thank you for the encouragement, Emma!
Sometimes blogging breaks are so needed. I feel you girl, my abs are not what they used to be at all. If only I could get into more of a routine with working out but I barely have time for sleep for anymore lol. This is a great look on you though! Beautifully Candid
I know right? Sleep typically trumps everything for me too. And ironically, I’m still not getting enough!
I saw this post on Insta and I think it’s so inspiring for you to wear this look! Love your body and you look amazing, so do the world a favor and flaunt it!
Abby | Life in the Fash Lane
Aw thanks, Abby. You’re so sweet!
You look incredible, Roxanne! Love the top, jeans and of course, those lovely shoes!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thanks, Jessica! I’m obsessed with these shoes too haha.
I love that bag Roxanne!! 🙂
Thanks, Molly!
It’s nice to have a break from blogging sometimes, hope you had a fab time in NYC! I love the pink shoes in your post!
Jaz xoxo
Thanks, Jaz! NYC was amazing as usual!
You look amazing and I am so glad you are back girl! I missed your posts. You look gorgeous in these pictures and I know you’ll get back in shape quick!
Thanks for the encouragement, Ruth! I’m jumping out of my seat at work until I can get to the gym to reach my goals!
Thank you for sharing your coach’s advice. I think I can use it as I am struggling finding time to exercise as well. Thank you for organizing your link up, I joined, followed on Bloglovin and Instagram as well.
P.S. I am organizing a link up as well. Feel free to join and share your latest post.
Thanks for joining the linkup, Miri!
Love your top honey. Beautiful!
Thanks, Vaishali <3
I don’t think I’ve ever had abs like that! You look amazing!
Thanks Laura! Oof I have LOTS of work to do!
RIP to my abs too girl. I don’t even have illness as an excuse. Basically pure laziness and holiday food got me! Love what your coach said, the best motivation!!
Pumps and Push-Ups
You are looking amazing girl! Thanks for linking up.
As you know I always love seeing your Insta stories and saw your amazing 4th of July weekend in NYC. I took it easy on posting and commenting last week as I enjoyed some days off, too. And girl you look great, your abs are so much better than mine. Love this outfit. The white jeans and light neutral colors are so you. I just wish they had those amazing mules in my size so I could order them.
Last but not least, you should check out my most recent post when you have time, because we are both rocking skinny distressed white jeans and fun striped tops today, in our monochrome looks. Hey, great minds think alike!
Love your post! It is definitely important to take a few days off. I’m so happy you like my stories!
Glad to hear you are back your workouts and blog. It’s always good to take a rest. Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Thanks, Mary!
I feel ya girl! Once something knocks you of your rhythm, like an illness or vacation, it’s hard to get back into it! I love what your coach said about making the goal to just show up. It really makes sense to just take a small step and eventually you’ll be back where you want to be. You look fab in these photos! I’ve got ab envy over here! 😀 xx Rox-Anne
It’s so true! He is a great coach and a wealth of knowledge. I will get back into it for sure. Less takeout, more cooking, and more exercise!
This is such a cute cropped top, and I love it styled with the statement necklace! Hey, life happens, and I love the advice of just show up. It’s the hardest step, but the best one!
Thanks, Rachael! I agree, sometimes showing up is the hardest part. Once I’m there I always exceed my expectations!
Your coaches comments are awesome! I totally relate, too. Since I injured myself running four weeks ago I haven’t been able to do much of anything. I really fell into a funk. I don’t think a lot of us realize how addictive those endorphins are. Yesterday, I was finally able to take a short walk and though it wasn’t a typical run I was just thrilled to be moving again. It truly is about showing up. Great post!
I’m sorry to hear you got injured, Mary! You’re so right, the endorphins are key. On your first day back you remember how amazing it feels, even if you’re not able to do much!
Lady you are slaying in that crop top! Looks like showing up is really working for you! You look amazing!
xx, Elise
Thanks lovely! You’re so sweet. Welp these pics were taken before I got sick and fell off the deep end. But I’m gonna get them back!
You are really rocking that crop top! I love this whole summer look! Peace!
Aw thanks Cheryl! Happy Monday!
Amazing girl!! You should be so proud of yourself!!
Talk about inspiration—thanks Roxanne!!
I love that response. Just show up! I have been missing my abs lately too. And I need to get back into the rhythm.
You look GREAT here tho.
❥ tanvii.com
Thank you, Tanvi! I was super blown away by his response, too. You have been working out so much, I bet you have abs for sure!
It’s so hard getting back into your fitness routine after you’ve been sick. Making your goal to just show up is great advice! This is such a cute summer look! You look amazing!
Doused In Pink
Thank you, Jill! I’m using these photos as motivation to get back into it!
Great pictures and outfit and good to read you are feeling better 😉
Aw thank you so much. Being sick is no fun!
Sorry to hear that you’ve been sick, not fun! Definitely do take it easy on yourself – once you’ve recovered you can get back into the swing of things, everyone needs time to rest!
Thank you for the link up!
Hope you have had a lovely weekend 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
You are right, rest is important! I was just going way too hard!