I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of things happening here. I think the bubble is bursting on my little blog. I am super excited that I am getting more opportunities, but I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.
Like any human, I suffer from self doubt. I’ve always been kind of a perfectionist and feel uncomfortable when I don’t have much control over a situation. If you study hard, you get an A. If you work hard, you get to participate in the projects you want. Be a nice caring human, you make friends.
In blogging, there isn’t a whole lot of validation. It seems a little ridiculous sometimes to spend almost all my free time working on this space that I’m not even sure is well received. I just do my thing, hit “publish”, and then WHOOSH it’s in the universe. I get these feelings like “what if I’m not good enough” or “what if people don’t like my style” and “well I don’t really have that many followers or 100k page visits a month so this isn’t even worth it.”
Thinking negative and self deprecating thoughts is a waste of time. The only thoughts that should be going through my head are “do I love it? yes, does it makes me happy? yes.” Case closed.
I’ve seen a big surge in growth and opportunities in the last few months. I truly believe it is because I was confident in my abilities and did my best to block out negativity and competitive thoughts. My mantra has been “I’m rad, I’m smart, and I have something unique to offer.”
Nope, I’m not perfect. Do I still fall off and have days when I’m crying over stupid stuff and putting myself down? Yeah. But manifesting my future and caring less about what others might think of me has helped me leaps and bounds.
What’s your positive mantra? I’d love to hear.
Currently Sipping: La Vieille Ferme Rosé
p.s. – I REALLY do love this outfit! My kitty Jake thinks my feather earrings are his toy. I have to hide them!
I think as bloggers we all all face self doubt, there is always another blogger getting more brand love than the other and as anything in life you say “why not me” etc. But you have a gorgeous space and your pics are amazing, so keep up the amazing work. P.S. you are good enough always.
Meg | The Blog
Instagram: MeghanSSilva
Love this post! Just what I needed!! I’m trying to blog, but my self doubt always gets in the way and I’m always focusing on what others think.. it is so hard to control your mind, but I know it’s what you have to do. This kinda reminds me of the book ‘the secret’. I love your positivity!! =)
Girl, you are not alone! I think you’re doing better than me in a lot of things, because I am not a responsible blogger at all. Haha. I don’t mean to compare, but I am just putting things into perspective for you and for myself. You should know that you are lucky to have had those opportunities. ON my end, I am challenged to do better at my work if I wish to gain the same level of success as you have had!
Abby of Life in the Fash Lane
Girl, we all go through it!! I feel that when I concentrate on doing the best that I can and doing what I love and what makes me happy, everything else falls into place. I have not had a lot of support in this and I’m okay with that. Keep doing you and good things will come your way 🙂 Don’t compare your story to others because we are all different…. on different paths…getting different opportunities… at different points in our lives and blogging careers. You are doing great! Happy weekend!
I definitely go through phases of self-doubt, but over time I do think I’ve gotten better at being confident in my self and my abilities and caring less what others think. Love that you are at a good place too!
Can’t tell you how much I needed to hear some encouragement right now. That you so much for inspiring me any help to tame my own self doubt.
This off the shoulder top is SO cute! Love this color on you!
Great post, Roxanne! It’s nice to know that a successful blogger like you still has those kind of days. I feel it, too, but I also am passionate about this creative pursuit and have learned, for me, that’s more important than how many followers I have or traffic I generate. Thanks for being so honest – and for all the outfit inspo!! <3
My mantra is “good vibes only” 🙂
Love this post, so inspiring. What a beautiful, bright top to match!
Amazing post, friend – you are so inspiring!! I also love this outfit…that top with the tassel detailing…love!!! Have a great weekend, pretty lady!
Trendy & Tidy
Thank you for this post! I totally have this problem. I don’t have a ton of followers and I am constantly doubting myself if I should continue, but whenever I get to the point that I really think seriously about it something always comes up. Like an opportunity, a meaningful comment or something along those lines so I keep going. I realize that maybe success isn’t about money or about “fame”, but just giving ladies the confidence in their own skin to try something new and to feel good about themselves. That’s what is keeping me going. Thank you for sharing this because I can so relate!
love this look! that blouse is so pretty on you! I doubt myself a lot in the blogger world for much of the same reasons as you. And I sometimes do wonder if it is worth it, and after spending a week with no blog AT ALL, I realized it is a part of me. It is my passion.
This is all so true! You are so rad Roxanne!!
This is also such a killer look. Love your minty top!
xx, Elise
What a gorgeous top! Love that it is a little sheer and also how you tucked it in the front. The ties on it are pretty, too! I also doubt myself as a blogger a lot… and, I do spend so much time in it that sometimes I wonder if what I get out of it is worth it… my time is so limited as it is! But, I keep doing it, because I love it!
Wow Roxanne, you hit the nail right on the head! I actually took a little break from blogging because I was too in my own head with self doubt and didn’t want to let those thoughts steal the joy I really do get from blogging. Whenever I start to get down I try to remember all the great things I have gotten out of this little side gig (that eats up about 20 hrs a week of my time!) I’ve made money, partnered with some of my favourite brands and made amazing friends, like you! Plus, believe it or not, I actually have my blog on my work resume and it landed me a fabulous job where I get to consult on all kinds of creative endeavours! I just remember all of that to try and pull myself out of my funk! OH and your outfit rocks and Jake has great taste 😀 xx Rox-Anne, Celebratingthislife.ca
Girl, I can so identify with this post. This is how I’ve been feeling too. Hopefully I’ll get out of this funk soon lol!
That off the shoulder top is so cute, and I love your mantra!
You look aamzign in this top, what a beautiful color.
Nina’s Style Blog
Girl are you in my head?! I have the very same thoughts and also happen to have been challenging myself to step out this past month. After four years of blogging on a very part time basis, I decided if I’m going to do this, I’m going to give it all I’ve got and dove in! Like you, that positive energy has fed into so many opportunities! Keep those positive vibes going! Plus, I love your blog and your style, so you have a fan over here!
pumps and push-ups
You’re so right! There will always be people who love what you’re doing and those who will be critical. You have to follow your intuition 🙂
My positive mantra is a parkour one: “Be strong to be useful.” It’s a constant reminder that we do (and should do) difficult things, push our boundaries, and also take good care of our physical and mental health; not just for the heck of it but so that we can be useful to ourselves and to others!
Beautiful blouse, color and details! Be positive! You’re doing great and glad it makes you happy too!
Stay confident – you look great!
-Kirsten // pork & cookies