On January 30th, I turned 30, hence the golden birthday title. And I had the best surprise ever!
Golden Birthday: What Was The Surprise!?
So here is the surprise that led to my epic 30th golden birthday celebration. I was sitting at work counting down the minutes until I got to go to the Create & Cultivate Clinique brunch. It is one of the first hand full of blogger events I had been invited to in Chicago, and who doesn’t want to spend their golden birthday with rosé, millennial pink, and skincare swag?
The event was fun and I met some cool gals (although that’s not part of the surprise) and I get a text from my best friend Jessi, asking me if I was in the office because she wanted to send me a birthday treat! Thinking she probably sent me cupcakes or flowers or something, I said “yes duh of course I”ll be back in the office in a minute.” So she said alright cool I’ll text you when it is there and you can come down and get it. Sweet.
Long story short – Jessi traveled all the way from Boston to visit me in Chicago on my golden birthday. She just left this morning, but we had such a great time hanging out for a couple of days! I played hooky for a day and a half, because who the heck goes back to work when your bestie comes all the way to Chicago to visit you!? Not me. Plus she is a resident working nights who literally had 2 days off and chose to spend those days with me. Because she rocks.
Golden Birthday Wisdom
So my first piece of 30-something wisdom is this: some friends are the caliber of family. The ones who use their precious time off to be with you – they are golden. More often than we want to admit, it is easy for us to brush off those close friends and family because we know they will forgive us, or we assume they will always be around. But they deserve all our time and respect. So early on, I know that my 30s are about knowing who my friends are and giving less of a sh*t about the ones who don’t treat me the way I know a friendship should operate.
Do you have friendship advice? Am I on to something?
p.s. – I know the outfit has nothing to do with what I’m writing about today. But my faux fur clutch is amazing and you need it. I linked everything as always!
100th Thursday Moda Link Up
This week I’m honored to join Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood for her 100th Thursday Moda Link Up and Target Giveaway!
Such a cute outfit! And the photos are GORGEOUS! Happy Birthday! Mine is the 31st 🙂
Alex | http://www.SoFitSoPretty.com
30 and beautiful ,beautiful look also
I already wished you on Instagram but I truly hope your double special 3oth Golden birthday was nothing short of spectacular. Your friend Jessi sounds amazing but then I also know you are a great girl yourself. And girl what a stunning look full of trends, textures and beautiful pieces. Your skirt and coat are phenomenal and I feel so special that this is the outfit you chose to celebrate my 100th Thursday Moda linkup, Roxanne. Thank you for always being there, for all the collaborations we have done and your amazing friendship these last couple of years, dear Roxanne. =) Have agreat rest of the week! <3 Ada.
Thank you Ada! Your sweet words always make me so happy. I hope that we will get to meet in real life soon!
What a elegant top! Looks really dainty on you dear. Loving the cute details too.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thank you, Jessica!
You have fabulous style – your blouse and clutch are gorgeous! Thanks so much for joining in with #FabulousFriday x
Roxanne, happy, happy birthday to you, my friend! And Jessi is definitely a keeper! Friends like that are the ones who will be with you every step of the way through all the good and the bad! And that is a super special wonderful birthday surprise! And your outfit is freaking spectacular!
By the way, I met my best friend Jane nearly 30 years ago when we were freshmen in high school. We lost touch at times but we always came back together. She knows my every secret (even more than my husband knows) and has been granted the keeper of all of my journals should something happen to me (there is stuff in those journals that neither my husband or children need to ever see)! And I have been named custodian of her children should something ever happen to her and her husband. Friends like that stick around forever through all of our messes and all of our celebrations. The key to this type of friendship is communication, honesty, and acceptance at all costs. It is just like a marriage really, but with much more history!
Your description of your relationship with Jane made me tear up a little. Your Jane is definitely my Jessi! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, sweet friend!
Aw! I got all teary while I was writing that, too. I am so glad you have your Jessi! By the way, this post is a featured favorite on my blog today! Thanks for always joining the party, my friend.
Aw thank you, Shelbee!
Great outfit with a stunning top, a beautiful skirt and awesome boots 😉
And that is totally what the 30s are all about! I found so many real and true friends in my 30s and found ones that weren’t so hot. You look gorgeous and I hope you had a fun day!
Happy Birthday Han! Clearly Jessica is a model of friendship and you are well worth it :3
Thanks sweet Dorian!
Happy belated birthday girl! You look amazing! I love your clothes and all but to be honest your smile lights up the room and I felt that looking at your photos. Your bestie also rocks! How amazing is that the she did what she did for you. Kudos to your friendship and I totally agree that this kind of friends are rare and are a diamond in the rough. I hope you are having a marvelous day!
Thank you so much, Maureen! You’re so sweet.
Awwww this is so amazing! What a beautiful surprise and that golden rule is so so soooo true you almost had me tearing up a bit haha
Aw thanks babe! I was completely shocked!
That’s the best surprise ever, Roxanne!! I loved seeing it on you IG Stories!!
What a friend you must be yourself to have a fabulous friend like that!! Truly a treasure!!
Happiest of birthdays and it’s gonna be a great year!!
Aw – she is SUCH a good friend! Thanks Jodie!
You and Jessi have had such a special friendship- first meeting when you were about 2!- always thoughtful and caring of each other. That was such a wonderful special and memorable surprise!! I’m glad that you enjoyed your golden birthday day together!
Yes, we are so lucky to have had each other all these years!