Sometimes I like to do at home workouts when it is yucky out or I don’t feel like the whole production of going to a workout class. There are so many great workouts on the web, all you have to do is find your favorites. Or make one up, like I sometimes do.
I was recently sent the TKO Soft-Grip Jump Rope to try out! I was thrilled because I’ve always been an exerciser and I have plenty of equipment, but somehow I never owned a jump rope! It is exciting to harness some creativity and change up your workouts!
The box boasts that you can burn 170 calories for just 15 minutes of jumping! That’s pretty amazing, considering I barely burn 100 calories for a mile on the treadmill.
This jump rope is particularly sturdy and looks super professional. The rope is a durable pvc material, and I like how the handles have grips on them so they don’t slip out of your hands. My hands tend to get sweaty, so the grips are a really nice feature. I also like how the rope swivels, so you don’t become a tangled mess while you are using it.
It was folded really neatly in the box, so I hung it over a door to get out the kinks. The jump rope is really lightweight, and I even see myself throwing it in my vacation bag for some quick cardio. I especially LOVE that it is so affordable at only $13!
So I’ve been going to a crossfit gym in my neighborhood for a couple weeks now, and we did a fantastic workout involving jump ropes. The workout only lasted 24 minutes and it was AMAZING. I was huffing and puffing like a maniac afterwards.
I didn’t want to tell you all these super duper things about a jump rope without giving you something to DO with it! So here is a modified version of the workout I did at crossfit that only takes 20 minutes. I promise you will be feeling your arms and booty after, and probably the next day! All you need is a jump rope and your body (and maybe a towel because you will be sweatin’.)
ps – I highly recommend you download the interval timer app on your phone if you like to create your own high intensity interval workouts. It is free and dings when you work, then dings again when you rest. Just set the high intensity interval to 1:00 and the low to 00:20, for 15 sets. Then all you have to worry about is putting on your jams and getting work done.
Now that you’ve completed your workout, you need to replenish your beautiful muscles! This is my ALL TIME favorite shake. Sometimes I even make it for breakfast.
If you don’t have almond milk, substitute for water or whatever type of milk you like. And if you don’t have protein powder, just use an extra tablespoon of cocoa powder and throw 1/2 banana in so it isn’t too watery.
Something about chocolate and blueberries and cinnamon together is SINFUL! It is so delicious I seriously tell everyone I know about this godly recipe that came from the depths of my mind.
Do you incorporate a jump rope into your workouts? Do you take it on the go? Tell me!
Check out some of my favorite workout gear:
Currently Sipping: A Chocolate Blueberry Smoothie. Yum.
That 20-minute jump rope workout sounds murderous and wonderful! 😀 I’ll try it one of these days!!!